Pretrained Transformer Language Models for Search — part 3
In this blog series we demonstrate how to represent transformer models in a multiphase retrieval and ranking pipeline using We also evaluate these models on the largest Information Retrieval relevance dataset, namely the MS Marco Passage ranking dataset. We demonstrate how to achieve close to state of the art ranking using miniature transformer models with just 22M parameters, beating large ensemble models with billions of parameters.
Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash
In the first post in this series we introduced using pretrained language models for ranking and three popular methods for using them for text ranking. In the second post we studied efficient retrievers which could be used as the first phase in a multiphase retrieval and ranking pipeline. In this third post we study a re-ranking model which we will deploy as a re-ranker on top of the retriever methods we studied in the previous post, but first let us recap what a multiphase retrieval and ranking pipeline is. In a multiphased retrieval and ranking pipeline, the first phase retrieves candidate documents using a cost efficient retrieval method and the more computationally complex cross-attention or late interaction model inference is limited to the top ranking documents from the first phase. In this post we will study the Contextualized late interaction over BERT (ColBERT) model and deploy it as a re-ranking phase on top of the dense retriever that we studied in the previous post. The CoLBERT ranking model was introduced in ColBERT: Efficient and Effective Passage Search via Contextualized Late Interaction over BERT by Omar Khattab and Matei Zaharia.
Contextualized late interaction over BERT (ColBERT)
In the previous post in this series we introduced a dense retriever using a bi-encoder archiecture over a Transformer model (MiniLM). Both queries and documents were encoded by the bi-encoder and represented in the same dense embedding vector space. We used cosine similarity between the query and the document in this embedding vector space to rank documents for a query and we could accelerate the retrieval phase using approximate nearest neighbor search using angular distance or innerproduct.
Unlike the dense bi-encoder the contextualized late interaction model represents the query and document as multiple vectors obtained from the last output layer of the Transformer model. Bi-encoders on the other hand, usually performs a pooling operation over the last transformer layer, e.g just using the embedding representation from the CLS output token, or mean over all token output embeddings. Also, unlike other text to vector representations like Word2Vec, the token vector representation depends on the other tokens in the same input sequence. For example the token driver in the text Microsoft driver has a different vector representation than driver in the text Taxi driver as the context is different. This thanks to the attention mechanism in the Transformer architecture where each token attends to all other tokens in the same input sequence. We can say that token output vector representation is contextualized by the other tokens in the input text sequence.
Similar to the single vector bi-encoder model queries and documents are encoded independently. Hence the query tokens only attend to other query tokens, and document tokens only attend to other document token. This separation enables offline processing of the documents which speeds up re-ranking as at re-reranking time we only need to obtain the query token embeddings and load the precomputed document embeddings from storage (e.g memory). The ColBERT architecture also uses a query encoder and a document encoder, based on the same Transformer instance. The input to the model is slighly different for queries and documents. The query encoder pads using the BERT mask token to a configurable maxium query length if the query input text is shorter than this max length. The document input however is not padded to a fixed length. The padding of masked tokens of the query input is explained in the paper
We denote the padding with masked tokens as query augmentation, a step that allows BERT to produce query-based embeddings at the positions corresponding to these masks. Query augmentation is intended to serve as a soft, differentiable mechanism for learning to expand queries with new terms or to re-weigh existing terms based on their importance for matching the query
The dimensionality used to represent the output token embedding can be reduced using a dimension reduction layer on top of the last output transformer layer. The original token output dimensionality depends on the Transformer model used, for example the bert-base model uses a hidden dimensionality of 768 while MiniLM uses 384 dimensions. In the ColBERT paper the authors uses dimension reduction to 128 dimensions from the original hidden size of 768 dimesions. The authors also demonstrate that reducing the dimensionality further to 32 does not impact ranking accuracy significantly. The dimensionality used and the precision used for the vector values matters for both the computational complexity and storage requirements. For example if we use 32 dimensions and use bfloat16 (2 bytes per tensor value) precision, we need to store 32GB of vector data for 9M documents with average 60 tokens per document. While if we used float32 (4 bytes) precision and 128 dimensions we would need to store 256GB of vector data.
Ranking with ColBERT — Meet MaxSim
So we now known roughly how the ColBERT archicture works. Query text is encoded into a fixed length bag of token embeddings and document text is encoded into a bag of token embeddings. But the missing piece is how do we compute the relevancy score of a query, document pair using this representation?
The ColBERT paper introduces the late interaction similarity function which they name Maxium Similarity (MaxSim): For a given query and document pair the MaxSim relevancy score is calculated as follows:
For each query token embedding perform cosine similarity against all the document token embeddings and track the maxium score per query token. The overall query, document score is the sum of these maxium cosine scores. For a query with 32 token embeddings (max query length 32) and a document with 128 tokens we need to perform 32*128 cosine similarity operations. The MaxSim operator is illustrated in the figure below.
MaxSim illustration from the ColBERT paper
The cosine similarity with unit length vectors can be performed by the the inner dot product and can be HW accelerated using advanced vector instructions.
Vespa ColBERT representation
To represent the ColBERT model architecture in Vespa for re-ranking documents we need:
- Store the document token embeddings in our Vespa document model for fast on-demand access in ranking phases
- Express the MaxSim function with a Vespa ranking expression
- Map the query text to token ids (Transformer tokenization) and map tokens to token embeddings at run time by invoking the ColBERT query encoder transformer model
We expand the Vespa document schema from the previous post and introduce a new mixed Vespa tensor field called dt. We use this tensor to store the computed bag of token embeddings for the document. The mixed tensor (combining sparse dt and dense x dimensions) allows storing a dynamic number of token embeddings for the document, depending on the length of the document. We could have used a dense dense representation but that would have used more memory as we would have needed to configured a max length.
Vespa Passage document schema
The new document schema including the new dt ColBERT document tensor is given below:
search passage {
document passage {
field id type int {...}
field text type string {...}
field mini_document_embedding type tensor<float>(d0[384]){...}
field dt type tensor<bfloat16>(dt{}, x[32]){
indexing: attribute
The tensor cell value precision type we use is bfloat16 which is 2 bytes per tensor cell value which saves 50% of the memory compared to float precision (4 bytes per value). Vespa supports double, float, bfloat16 and int8 tensor cell value precision types.
We also use 32 dimensions for the per token embedding representation instead of 128 to further reduce the memory requirement. The indexing statement specifies attribute which means this field will be stored in-memory and fast-search enables fast uncompressed representation in memory which speeds up evaluation over mixed tensor fields. fast-search is only relevant for mixed tensor type fields.
Vespa MaxSim operator
We can express the MaxSim operator in Vespa by a tensor ranking expression using sum and reduce tensor functions.
sum(query(qt) * attribute(dt), x),
max, dt
Where attribute(dt) is the ColBERT document tensor field and query(qt) is the ColBERT query tensor representation. The runtime query(tq) tensor is defined in the query-profiles types as
<field name="ranking.features.query(qt)" type="tensor<float>(qt{},x[32])"/>
We configure this expression in a Vespa ranking profile where we use the dense bi-encoder model as our first-phase ranking function and use the ColBERT MaxSim as the second phase ranking expression. We use re-ranking count of 1000 (per node) but this setting can also be controlled by a query run time setting in case we want to explore different re-ranking depths. The ranking profile is given below. In this we also cast the bfloat16 tensor values to float to avoid bypassing HW accelerations in place for operations on float tensors.
rank-profile dense-colbert {
first-phase {
expression: closeness(field,mini_document_embedding)
second-phase {
rerank-count: 1000
expression {
query(qt) * cell_cast(attribute(dt), float) , x
max, dt
To obtain the query(qt) colBERT tensor we need to encode the text query input using the ColBERT query encoder.
Vespa ColBERT query encoder
We have trained a ColBERT model using a 6-layer MiniLM model which can be downloaded from Huggingface🤗 model hub. This model only have 22.7M trainable parameters. This model can be served with Vespa using ONNX format. We also have included a notebook which demonstrates how to export the PyTorch transformer model to ONNX format and also use quantization to further speed up the evaluation. Quantization (using int8) weights instead of float speeds up evaluation of the model by 3x. See Google colab notebook.
The query encoder is represented in a query document type which has no fields. It’s a placeholder to be able to represent the ONNX model and we use a single empty document so that we can invoke the Vespa ranking framework to evaluate the ONNX model.
schema query {
document query {}
onnx-model colbert_encoder {
file: files/vespa-colMiniLM-L-6-quantized.onnx
input input_ids: query(input_ids)
input attention_mask: query(attention_mask)
output contextual:contextual
rank-profile colbert_query_encoder {
num-threads-per-search: 1
first-phase {
expression: random
summary-features {
Tokenization and tensor input (input_ids and attention_mask) is generated using a custom searcher which maps the query text to BERT token ids and creates the ColBERT masked query input. See ColBERTSearcher for details. This searcher produces the mentioned query(qt) tensor which is used by the MaxSim ranking expression. We use the ColBERT repo’s indexing routine to produce the document token embeddings and we also publish a pre-processed dataset with all 8.8M passages including both the mini_document_embedding and ColBERT tensor fields. See MS Marco Passage Ranking using Transformers vespa sample application.
ColBERT Ranking Evaluation
We evaluate the ranking effectiveness of the ColBERT model deployed as a re-ranking step on top of the dense retriever introduced in the previous post. We use MS Marco Passage Ranking dev query split (6980 queries):
The Recall@1000 stays the same as the the dense model since the ColBERT is used to re-rank the top 1K hits from the dense retriever but precision improves. The Recall@100 and Recall@200 improves with the ColBERT re-ranking step and MRR@10 improves from 0.310 to 0.359. The end to end latency including query encoding of the dense retriever model, ColBERT query encoding, retrieval with nearest neighgbor search (with targetHits=1000) and re-ranking with ColBERT is just 39 ms. Reducing the nearest neighbor search targetHits and hence also the re-ranking depth of the ColBERT model can be used to trade accuracy versus speed/cost.
$ ./src/main/python/ --rank_profile dense-colbert --rerank_hits 1000 --retriever dense --ann_hits 1000 --hits 10 --trec_format --run_file dev.test --query_split dev --endpoint https://$ENDPOINT:4443/search/
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 6980/6980 [04:27<00:00, 26.07it/s]
In this blog post we have demonstrated how to represent the ColBERT model as a re-ranking phase over a dense retriever using Vespa core capabilities:
- Dense retrieval accelerated by ANN query operator in Vespa (HNSW) and representing the Transformer based query encoder model(s) in Vespa
- Tensor fields in the document for fast access during re-ranking
- Express the MaxSim ColBERT late interaction similarity function using tensor ranking expressions
- Representing the ColBERT query encoder using ONNX format
In the fourth post in this series we will introduce another re-ranking step using a cross-encoder with all-to-all interaction. This cross-encoder model is also based on a small 6 layer MiniLM transformer mode. We will deploy this model on top of the ColBERT re-ranking step, adding a second re-ranking step to further improve the ranking precision.